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Codes cheats for Digimon Rumble Arena 2

One-hit kills

Press Right, Up, Left, Down, A, L + R at the title screen.

Evolve energy item

Press Y, Right, Down, B, L, A, R, A, Y at the title screen.

Evolve meter always full

Press X, Right, A, Y, Left, B, L + R at the title screen.


Defeat BlackAgumon in single player mode when he surprise attacks you. He can digivolve into BackGreymon and BlackWarGreymon.


Defeat BlackGabumon in single player mode when he attacks you. He can digivolve into BlackGarurumon and BlackMetalGarurumon.


Defeat BlackGuilmon in single player mode when he attacks you. He can digivolve into BlackGrowlmon and ChaosGallantmon.


Defeat Diaboramon in single player mode. He is the Boss fourth to the top and cannot digivolve.


Defeat Duskmon in single player mode. He is the Boss second to the top and cannot digivolve.


Defeat MaloMyotismon in single player mode. He is the boss on the top and cannot digivolve.


Defeat Neemon in single player mode. He is the boss fifth to the top and cannot digivolve.


Defeat Omnimon in single player mode. He is the boss third to the top and cannot digivolve.

Chaos Wasteland Stage

In single player mode, defeat any of the following Digimon to unlock it: Duskmon, Diaboramon, Omnimon, MaloMyotismon, or Neemon.

Ice Palace Stage

In single player mode, go to the Boss on the bottom. Defeat them to unlock the stage.