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Codes cheats for Watchmen - The End Is Nigh

Watchmen - The End Is Nigh - Game cheats, tips and tricks for Playstation 3

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

Untouchable (Bronze): Go unharmed for an entire level, without restarting
from a checkpoint.
Turbo (Bronze): Complete the game in less than 80 minutes, in one session
without restarting from a checkpoint.
Vigilante (Bronze): Eliminate 20 bad guys in 101 seconds.
Retaliator (Bronze): Perform 200 counter attacks.
Exterminator (Bronze): Perform 250 finishing moves.
Shield (Bronze): Dodge or block 25 incoming attacks.
Psycho (Silver): Complete the game in Rorschach mode.
Hero (Silver): Complete the game in Nite Owl mode.
Thief (Silver): Find all abilities and pick-ups in Rorschach mode.
Detective (Silver): Find all abilities and pick-ups in Nite Owl mode.
Teamwork (Gold): Complete the game in co-op mode.