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Codes cheats for Aveyond - Lord of Twilight Cheats

Aveyond - Lord of Twilight

Submitted by: RM

* There are 5 goodie caves located in this game in walls at different
locations. There are no visual clues on the outside of the walls that
the cave is inside. You have to locate them by exploring and bumping
Mel into all the walls.
* Each goodie cave contains items and/or upgrades for a specific element
of the game. Some of the items/upgrades can not be obtained in this
chapter. There are blue chests in some caves that will be accessible
in Gates of Night.
* Some of the items in goodie caves are exclusive and can not be found
anywhere else in the game.

Goodie Cave locations and type:
1.Level Goodie Cave in Shadow Woods North (left of some stairs near the
middle of the Woods): Can increase the level of party members to the
maximum of 99.
2.Weapons Goodie Cave in Thial Mountains South (slightly north of entrance
when entering from Shadow Woods South): Contains the best weapon for each
party member�s character.
3.Gold Goodie Cave in Brightwood Forest (a little right to one of the small
waterfalls): Contains 600,000 gold coins.
4.Armor Goodie Cave in Thial Mountains North (a little north of the entrance
from Istir Forest): Contains the best armor for each party member�s character.
5.Spell Goodie Cave in Stormbend (close to the ocean behind the chest):
Stella can learn all available spells.