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Codes cheats for Dick Van Dyke Show, The - Season 3

Dick Van Dyke Show, The - Season 3 - Game cheats, tips and tricks for DVD

Nick at Nite Commercials:
Go to the 'Scene Selection' for the following episodes...

Disc 1: That's My Boy???
Disc 2: The sound of the trumpets of a Conscience falls deafly on a
brain that holds it's ears...or something like that!
Disc 3: The Life and Love of Joe Coogan
Disc 4: The Plots Thicken
Disc 5: My Neighbor's Husband's Other Life

Highlight the 'Opening Titles' on the Scene Menu and press LEFT.
Dick's head will illuminate. Press ENTER and you will see a commercial
for "Nick at Nite's" campaign to preserve our Television Heritage
featuring Dick Van Dyke.

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