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Codes cheats for Skate cheats

Skate cheats - Game cheats, tips and tricks for Playstation 3

Dem Bones:
You can unlock a hidden character called Dem Bones by breaking each
bone in your current character's body three times. Check the injury
log to peek at your progress.

Grab and move the Left Analog-stick Down or Up.

Christ Air:
Do a Backwards Grab then press Circle.

Rocket Air:
Hold L2 + R2 + Right Analog-stick Down.

Do a Double Grab then press Circle.

Best Buy Clothes in store:
Enter code at Main Menu: D-pad Up, D-pad Down, D-pad Left, D-pad Right,
Square, R1, Triangle, L1.

Plan B Warehouse:
To unlock the Plan B Warehouse, beat Ryan Gallant's pro challenge.