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Codes cheats for Ape Escape 3

Ape Escape 3 - Game cheats, tips and tricks for Playstation 2

Alternate title screen:
Complete Survival mode. In the Japanese version, the word "Tatsujin" will
appear in Hiragana at the title screen.

Ape Olympic mini-game:
Available for purchase in the Hobby Shop for 1,500 credits.

Sarutimate Fighting mini-game:
Available for purchase in the Hobby Shop for 1,500 credits. Successfully
complete this mini-game to win 1,000 Gaccha Chips.

Unlock Croc Cap and Infinite Items:
You must rescue all 20 hostages.

Unlock Mesaru Gear:
You can buy this after catching Specter. It costs 573 credits.

Unlock Survival Mode:
You have to make sure you capture all apes and catch Specter a second time.