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Codes cheats for Big Game Hunter 2

Auto Camera

During gameplay, hold control and then tap C for auto camera. Auto camera takes the view to the location of any location of any animal in the area.


During gameplay, hold control and alt and then tap H go give yourself ful health.

Targeting Aid

During gameplay, hold control and alth and then tap B for boxes. The boxes outline everything, and highlight the correct places to shoot and animal while aiming. Red boxes means kill zone, green for probable kill, yellow for possible kill.

Toggle wind

During gameplay, hold control and alt and then tap W.

Toggle snow

During gameplay, hold controla dn alt and then tap S.

Toggle Rain

During gameplay, hold control and alth and then tap R.

Extra Cash

While buying inventory type in ALT+CTRL+m to earn money. You can only get up to $20,000, and when you spend the money simply type that over and over.

Extra Hunting Hours

Go back to your hunting camp at about 7:55 PM. Then go to the lodge, and back to camp. Keep doing this until the time reads any time past 12:00 AM and you can start hunting! This can be useful if you don't have a lot of time left to fill up your tags.

Weapon Sighting Coordinates

While at the target range and ready to shoot, press [Alt] + [Ctrl] + T. Fire to display targeting coordinates in X-Y format. Use the cursor keys to adjust the coordinates until they are set to 0-0. The weapon is now sighted in Type these codes during gameplay to activate cheat function:

[Alt] + [Ctrl] + FShow Frame Rate
[Alt] + [Ctrl] + VMagnify Mode
[Alt] + [Ctrl] + JToggle Rifle Sight
[Alt] + [Ctrl] + LToggle Lightning

More tags

Click on the "Buy Tags" option at the lodge and type coyote or giraffe to hunt the corresponding animal.