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Codes cheats for Black & Bruised

Get All Boxers

Put in the following for your Boxer's Name: MIKE TYSON.

Get All Arenas

Put in the following for your Boxer's Name: LENNOX LEWIS.

Max Out Stats

Put in the following for your Boxer's Name: JOE FRAZIER.

Get Big Heads

Put in the following for your Boxer's Name: DAVID TUA.

Be Invincible

Put in the following for your Boxer's Name: MUHAMMAD ALI

Heavy Boxers

Put in the following for your Boxer's Name: RICH OBERDICK.

Boxers Pass Gas

Put in the following for your Boxer's Name: ADAM GARDNER.

Stupid Boxers

Put in the following for your Boxer's Name: JESSICA MELTON.

Get Scrapyard Arena

Win all the survival modes to unlock this.

Be Practice Robot

Finish training mode to unlock the robot.

Get Odive Unlocked

Win the 3rd tournament to unlock Odive Character.

Unlock InterContinental Tournament

Win all 5 default tournaments.

New Outfits

Finish Life mode with a character to get a new outfit for that character.