Home > Dreamcast > Sega Smash Pack: Volume 1

Codes cheats for Sega Smash Pack: Volume 1

Altered Beast

Level select:
Hold A and press Start, select a level and hold X + Start at the title screen.

Options menu:
Hold A and press Start at the title screen.

Sound test:
Hold X + B + Up/Right and press Start at the title screen.

Beast select:
Hold X + A + B + Down/Left and press Start at the title screen.

Continue game:
When you've died, hold X and tap Start until restarting.

Two-player mode:
Press Start on controller two to begin game play.

Virtua Cop 2

Big head mode:
Beat the game on easy. Then, press X, A, Y, B, B, B, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up on controller D.

Mirror mode:
Beat the game on the normal. Then, press L, Left, L, Right, L, Down, L, Up, R, Left, R, Right, R, Down, R, Up on controller D.

Random mode:
Beat the game on the hard. Then, press B, Left, X, Y, X, Y, B, A, B, A, Right, Left, Right, Left on controller D.

Golden Axe

9 continues:
At arcade mode, hold Down/Left + X + B, release and press Start.

Level select:
At arcade mode, hold Down/Left + A and press Start at the character selection screen.

Two-player mode:
Press Start on controller two to begin game play.

Sonic The Hedgehog

Level select:
Press Up, Down, Left, Right at the title screen, then hold X + Start.

Streets Of Rage 2

Cheat mode:
Highlight Options, hold X + A on controller two, then hold B on controller one.

Revenge Of Shinobi

Infinite shurikens:
Select the Shurikens on the options screen, set it to 00 and wait for ten seconds.


Debug mode:
At the options screen, press X, A, A, X, Down, X, A, A, X to display a debug menu, including level select.

Full health:
Pause the game and press X, A, Right, X, B, X, Down, X, A, Right, X.

Pause the game and press Down, Right, X, B, Up, Left, X.

View map coordinates:
Pause the game and press A, X, Left, Left, or A, X, Left, Down.

Free movement:
Pause the game and press B, X, Left, Left, X, B, X, A.

Collision detection dots visible:
Pause the game and press X, A, X, B, X, A.